Created by: Agnese Sabato and Alessandro Vezzosi of Ideale museum Leonardo Da Vinci, Vinci Italy

Realized by: Cinquini brothers, Viareggio Italy

Directed by Claudio Cinelli, Vinci Italy

Actor: Alberto Marconcini (Leonardo Da Vinci), Vinci Italy

Soprano: Bianca Barsanti, Leghorn Italy

Harpsichord: Alice Ulivi, Vinci Italy

Choreography: Katia Mancini – Miosotys Dans, Limite sull’Arno Italy

Makeup: Filistrucchi, Florence Italy

Video – image: Visual Groove, Castelfiorentino Italy

Location: Visarno Arena, Florence Italy


“THE UNIVERSE OF LEONARDO THEATRE” summarizes in an exemplary way the discipline and experience with which Leonardo Da Vinci was an incomparable master: from project design to painting and sculpture, from music to performance, from architecture to engineering. The central scene comes from the ‘Theatre of the Mountain that Opens’ by Leonardo, in relation to the ‘Orfeo del Poliziano’, with the insertion of planetary lighting effects. The overlying figures incorporate suggestions from his grand designs of the “Feast of Paradise” by Bellincioni (already with Leonardo in Fiesole), staged from 1490 (in Milan) to 1518 (in Amboise). Also, symbolically, it outlines the records of Leonardo’s universal concept, relating to harmony between nations and a world based on a human scale. ‘Orfeo del Poliziano‘ is therefore represented in all its splendor, under the supervision of Leonardo in the role of engineer, builder, and director.